Welcome to Resident Services
Here you can request maintenance services, view community events and contact management for non-emergencies. We love to hear from our residents, please leave a review on Carlton Arms of South Lakeland Google listing.
Maintenance Request
To request maintenance or repair services at your Carlton Arms of South Lakeland apartment, please fill out a maintenance request on the resident portal. Thank you!
Carlton Arms of South Lakeland provides the first SmartCard for laundry machine use to each resident with no fee. SmartCards are available for purchase at the Management office.
Community Calendar
2024 December
- MO
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- WE
- TH
- FR
- SA
- SU
- 25
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- 1Rent is DueAll Day
- 2Rent Is LateAll DayTrash Removal ServiceAll Day
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- 5Trash Removal ServiceAll Day
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- 9Trash Removal ServiceAll Day
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- 12Trash Removal ServiceAll Day
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- 16Trash Removal ServiceAll Day
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- 19Trash Removal ServiceAll Day
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- 23Trash Removal ServiceAll Day
- 24
- 25Christmas – Office ClosedAll Day
- 26Trash Removal ServiceAll Day
- 27
- 28
- 29
- 30Trash Removal ServiceAll Day
- 31
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